
first I should explain, that it's about 15 or 20 years, when the group of one single word "Česko" supporters appeared (they have own club, I think), they are good and focused on the one goal: push the "Česko" thing to all, also now they made "elections" on Wikipedia, probably won, if it could be called victory, and that's why the Czech site "Cesko" is named that way, instead Česká republika (official name of the state, as it is just this way in the Constitution of the Czech republic). Sure they have opponents, but this discussion is always moved to another site, also this assures it has no bigger effect on the state of things. And the national mutations of the site about Česká republika called now Česko simply adopt the shortened name used by (who knows how many people now), from the beginning of new milennium there is more and more media influence on spreading of that thing (press, TV, internet).

Surely I am no unbiassed, because of I am lining in Moravia. You can see the discussions on French or Spanish derived sites, where the full official naming is used. I think that there could be seen more understanding for the people, who feel, that this way (the term Česko is assigned by the supporters and used for the whole area of the Czech republic) their historical lands names are pushed into oblivion.

When I enter Česká republika (Czech republic) into the search field, the result of the search is redirected to the site, that bothers me, insted of the site named Česká republika, that I would expect. But the decision, that rose up from some kind of wikipedia tool, likewise election (meant for the people, who really want to vote), isn't covering all the population (the older people, who lived in Československo - ČSSR etc., and aren't interested in web site about their homeland - who cares). And there is probably no chance, this would be changed, even if there is opposition. Also there are two options for the translators using other than native language: 1) the simple adoptation of "Česko" transformed to their native languages, or 2) resistance against unofficial naming of the state Česká republika, that already has its name. This is expressed on their national mutations of base site, in the past. called Czech republic.

And this is their/your businnes. My goal is to remember my homeland Morava (Moravia, Mähren), I don't wan't to be called "part of Česko", but part of Czech republic - formerly: Lands of the Bohemian Crown.
