Net dat it oer jo giet, mar wêrom is it sa wichtich om de bot syn status op oare Wikipedys hjir by te hâlden op de botside?
Not that it's about you personally, but why is it so important to record the status the bot has on other Wikipedias on its bot page here? Aliter 15 okt 2008, 22.12 (CEST)Beäntwurdzje

Nochris: Meidogger:Ptbotgourou hâldt hjir syn status by, sa't er dy hat op oare Wikipedys, lykas hjir, en hjir, en hjir, en hjir, en ... . It is net te missen dat dat gjin Frysktalige ynformaasje is en ek gjin Fryske Wikipedy-ynformaasje is; it hat hielendal neat mei Frysk te krijen. Wêrom hâldt Ptbotgourou dy meta-ynformaasje by op dizze wikipedy?
Once more: Meidogger:Ptbotgourou records here its status, as it has it on other wikipedias, for example here, and here, and here, and here, and ... . It's impossible to miss that that is neither Frisian language information, nor Frisian Wikipedia information; it's nothing to do with Frisian at all. Why does Ptbotgourou record that meta information at this Wikipedia? Aliter 16 okt 2008, 04.16 (CEST)Beäntwurdzje

At myn argewaasje yn de lettere berjochten te sjen wie, dan myn ekskuus; dat is grif kaam troch de problemen dy't ik hie om yn it Ingelsk in fraach dúdlik te meitsjen oan ien dy't neffens syn Babel-boks by steat is by te dragen mei goed nivo Ingelsk. Mar no't it ien kear part fan it petear wurden is: Neffens my hat it gjin doel om dat oeral by te hâlden. In bot moat no krekt sa min mûglik sichtber wêze, dat set hjir gewoan de ynformaasje oer dizze wikipedy (en dy stiet der al), en set dy list earne op in sintraal plak, bygelyks op Meta. Betink dat jo hjir net ien fan de massa binne: alles wat jo dogge lûkt hjir oandacht. Ik kin begripe dat jo in oar wolkom ferwachte hienen: Ornaris skriuwe wy in wolkom at wy sjogge dat in meidogger wier begjint mei bydragen, mar dat wol net sizze dat jo net wolkom binne. Eltse bydrage dy't de Fryske Wikipedy ferbetteret is hjir wolkom.
If my irritation showed in the later messages, I apologise; it was probably caused by the problems I experienced in clearifying a question in English to someone who, according to his Babel box, "is able to contribute with an advanced level of English." However, as this became part of the conversation: I don't think it serves a purpose to record that everywhere. A bot should be as unobtrusive as possible, so write here the information about this wikipedia (already present), and put the list somewhere in a central spot, for example at Meta. You have to realise that you're not part of the masses here: everything you do will draw attention. I can understand that you expected a different welcome: Usually we write a welcome when we see that a participant does indeed start contributing, but that doesn't mean that you are not welcome. Every contribution that helps improve the Frisian Wikipedia is welcome here. Aliter 18 okt 2008, 20.27 (CEST)Beäntwurdzje