Bydragen fan SabineWanner
A user with 3 edits.
29 apr 2008
- 10.4629 apr 2008, 10.46 fersk. skied. +956 N Meidogger oerlis:SabineWanner Nije Side: Hi, my name is Sabine Cretella and I am active in many open source and open content projects. Since I use this general messages on various wikis, not only for the wikimedia foundation, I ...
- 10.4629 apr 2008, 10.46 fersk. skied. +956 N Meidogger:SabineWanner Nije Side: Hi, my name is Sabine Cretella and I am active in many open source and open content projects. Since I use this general messages on various wikis, not only for the wikimedia foundation, I ...
- 10.4629 apr 2008, 10.46 fersk. skied. +2.929 Wikipedy:Oerlisside →Meetup about and around less resourced languages: new section