Alice Malsenior Walker (Eatonton (Georgia), 9 febrewaris 1944) is in Afro-Amerikaanske auteur en feministe. Se wûn de Pulitzerpriis foar fiksje foar de roman The Color Purple. Sy is de mem fan Rebecca Walker.

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Alice Malsenior Walker

Walker waard berne yn Eatonton, Georgia, F.S.. Har famylje is fan Cherokee, Skotsk en Iersk komôf. Nei de middelbre skoalle gong sy nei it Spelman Kolleezje yn Atlanta en krige har diploma yn 1965 fan it Sarah Lawrence Kolleezje yn Yonkers.

Kar út wurk

bewurkje seksje
  • The Third Life of Grange Copeland (1970)
  • Everyday Use (1973)
  • The Flowers (1973)
  • In Love and Trouble: Stories of Black Women (1973)
  • Meridian (1976)
  • The Color Purple (1982)
  • You Can't Keep a Good Woman Down: Stories (1982)
  • To Hell With Dying (1988)
  • The Temple of My Familiar (1989)
  • Finding the Green Stone (1991)
  • Possessing the Secret of Joy (1992)
  • The Complete Stories (1994)
  • By the Light of My Father's Smile (1998)
  • The Way Forward Is With a Broken Heart (2000)
  • Now is the Time to Open Your Heart (2004)
  • Beauty: When The Other Dancer is The Self
  • Revolutionary Petunias & Other Poems (1973)
  • Once (1976)
  • Good Night, Willie Lee, I'll See You in the Morning (1979)
  • Horses Make a Landscape Look More Beautiful (1985)
  • Her Blue Body Everything We Know: Earthling Poems (1991)
  • Absolute Trust in the Goodness of the Earth (2003)
  • A Poem Traveled Down My Arm: Poems And Drawings (2003)
  • Collected Poems (2005)
  • In Search of Our Mothers' Gardens: Womanist Prose (1983)
  • Warrior Marks (1993)
  • The Same River Twice: Honoring the Difficult (1996)
  • Anything We Love Can Be Saved: A Writer's Activism (1997)
  • (in) Brief aan president Jansen
  • Go Girl!: The Black Woman's Book of Travel And Adventure (1997)
  • Pema Chodron and Alice Walker in Conversation (1999)
  • Sent By Earth: A Message from the Grandmother Spirit After the Bombing of the World Trade Center And Pentagon (2001)
  • Beauty: When the Other Dancer is the Self
  • Women
  • We Are the Ones We Have Been Waiting For (Novimber 2006)
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